
Dried Oak Firewood

Place of Shipment: Baltic port of Gdansk

Oak is a densely packed hardwood tree. This means that once it is split and seasoned, the wood burns for a very long time in either a woodstove or a fireplace. It also produces large amounts of heat, and since it takes so long to burn, the fireplace doesn’t need to be filled as often. Oak will burn 3-5 times longer than pine of the same size. Oak is ideal for burning in fireplaces, wood stoves, and outdoor fire pits.



Dried Oak Firewood

Dried Oak firewood provides even heat and a low flame, so you don’t have to maintain the fire as often. Because of this, the oak is also much less likely to splatter and form sparks. It burns evenly and produces minimal ash, making it a highly efficient fuel.


Five Reasons to Burn Oak Wood

Is oak a good firewood? And does the oak burn longer? We are here to answer any burning questions you may have. Here are five reasons why you should have kiln-dried oak logs in your home for basic fuel before winter ends.

Close up of oak logs

1. Longer burning time
Due to its dense wood fibers and thicker shape, this firewood burns much more slowly than other types of wood. A log burns for over two hours, which means you’ll need to recharge less; see for yourself by watching the video on our firewood comparison page. It is perfect for people who enjoy life at a slower pace. As long as you start with plenty of wood to light the flame, it will take a long time for the fire to burn out! Put these logs on your device and keep it warm all day without harming the log storage.

2. Generous heat dissipation
Due to its high caloric content, oak wood generates a lot of heat when it burns, providing a continuous source of heat while the flame flickers weakly. This means you get efficient fuel that produces more power for your money. This inexpensive source of heat is worth considering if your boiler fails.

3. Ideal for intensive use
Oak is perfect for lovers of firewood and for those who prefer firewood as fuel to central heating. If you plan to keep the wood stove burning every day, oak wood is a reliable primary source of heat. Keep the shed full of logs year-round when you need an even supply of heat. Ash firewood is also used


Oak Firewood Description

– Wood : hard wood
– Packing : normally on pallet 1x1x1,8 m ( or 1x1x2 m )
– length : 25, 33 and 50 cm
– thickness : max 20 cm
– Fresh wood, semi-dry and dry ( max 25% )
– Quantity : max 50 trucks monthly
– Origin : Germany
– Terms of delivery : DAP, CIF


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